Showcasing exceptional craftsmanship for a discerning audience
How We Helped
Logo Design
Website Design
Printed Materials
Content Strategy / SEO

One of the factors that brings companies to the realization that it is time to rebrand is when the level of work they produce is steps ahead of how they market themselves. For businesses that excel at their craft, this naturally happens over time.
Rockwood chose Cassel Bear to help them rebrand, confident in our ability to guide them through a process that would keep their heritage in mind, bring internal and external cohesiveness to their portfolio of products, and garner the attention of modern architects and designers.

Rockwood’s business is divided into two distinct branches that serve unique markets – luxury wood doors and specialty wood components. Rockwood effectively tells its story on separate websites that distinguish each business while maintaining brand consistency.

As a result of Cassel Bear’s keyword research, website monitoring, and content updates, Rockwood’s website continuously improved its organic search performance, more than doubling the number of visits within a year.

When architects see the remarkable building projects that Rockwood supports, they know they’ve found a company that can meet their expectations. Photo shoots at multiple project locations showcase Rockwood’s high level of craftsmanship throughout their marketing materials.

Printed Materials
Ads and brochures feature beautiful product photography and deliver the message that Rockwood’s work truly stands out.